The Threat of Asteroid Apophis and the Role of India in Planetary Defense: Understanding

ISRO has taken serious steps to monitor and prepare for the possible threat of the asteroid known as Apophis. This big near-Earth object-named after the Egyptian god of chaos-will fly very close to Earth on April 13, 2029. We look at some facts on Apophis, the significance of its path, and the global and Indian efforts to protect our planet from possible asteroid collisions.


The Apophis Asteroid: A Closer Look

Apophis is an asteroid roughly 340 meters in diameter that was discovered back in 2004. Its forecast for the upcoming close approach to Earth-a distance of approximately 32,000 kilometers-is highly significant to astronomers and worldwide space agencies. It is closer than many geostationary satellites that orbit our planet.

When Apophis was first discovered, there was concern it had a good chance to collide with Earth. At the time, estimates were as high as a 2.7 percent likelihood. Since then, observations and other calculations have eliminated any possibility of a collision in 2029, although a very slight impact possibility once was shown for many future years, including 2036 and 2068.


Planetary Defense: Why It Matters

Planetary defense is thus defined as the process of observation, cataloging, and possible deflection of asteroids on a course to collide with Earth. Such a program’s necessity has become more immediate as we learn the degree to which a serious asteroid impact may destroy large swathes of humanity.

Asteroid impacts, however, have so far accounted for the greatest catastrophe in history. Many scientists have regarded the impact at Chicxulub as being responsible for the extinction of dinosaurs that occurred 66 million years ago. The after-effects of this impact mean that international cooperation in planetary defense is much needed.

Activity on Planetary Defense by ISRO

ISRO has thus opened a planetary defence control room in Bengaluru as the forays of the Apophis approaches near. The control room will be handy to track not just Apophis, but other Near Earth Objects as well. “Understanding the trajectory and composition of an asteroid is very important,” Dr. A K Anil Kumar, head of the planetary defence initiative at ISRO says.


ISRO is, on its part, actively collaborating with the other space agencies such as NASA and the European Space Agency for sharing data and research related to asteroid trajectories. The goal of these collaborations is to enhance our understanding of asteroids and think of strategies that would mitigate possible impacts.

International Collaboration

The international community increasingly is coming to the recognition that what is needed with the asteroid threat is a concerted effort. This can be aptly demonstrated with the NASA DART mission, the first space mission to test kinetic impact as a means of changing the trajectory of an asteroid, which was accomplished in 2022.

ISRO is, therefore, committed to international effort in this area of planetary defence. ISRO plans to contribute to the mission that will study Apophis during its close approach in 2029. India can make many valuable contributions in instrument provision or support in international missions related to asteroid studies and finding effective defence against them.


Potential Deflection Techniques

Various proposals have been suggested to deflect asteroids predicted to collide with Earth, as listed below:

• Kinetic Impact: In this technique, a spacecraft is sent to collide with the asteroid to alter its trajectory.

• Gravity Tractor: Anasteroid can have a spacecraft positioned near it, possibly enabling gravitational attraction to be applied on the asteroid, thereby slowly altering its path.

• Nuclear Devices: In the most drastic scenario, nuclear devices could be used to disintegrate or alter the course of an asteroid.

In this respect, kinetic impact is a feasible option for asteroid deflection, as was just proven by NASA’s success with the recent DART mission. The studies and technological development regarding such new defense strategies surely are a priority.

Understanding Asteroid Impact Risks


Most specifically, asteroids, especially those which fall into the category of potentially hazardous asteroids, pose a great threat to Earth. Apophis, due to its size and proximity, manifests this concern in particular. A strike from an asteroid that large would surely bring major regional destruction and possibly global effects because of the dust and debris caused by such an incident.

ISRO monitoring would yield useful information on the path and structure of Apophis, adding to the general knowledge on how to predictively avoid such an impact. Its planetary protection programs are part of a growing awareness of the need to provide protection against extra-terrestrial bodies.

Asteroid Apophis and India's Role in Planetary Defense

Conclusion: A Collective Responsibility

While considering the future, the potential threat from such asteroids-as Apophis-makes international collaboration in the field of planetary defense of prime importance. All the progress achieved to date by ISRO, NASA, ESA, and other space agencies contributes to conceptualizing a notion or understanding mitigation that may be taken in any likely asteroid impact in the near or far future.

In a world with myriad existential threats, the primacy of planetary defense is required. It requires investment in research, collaboration, and technological development to make protection against possible cosmic hazards better.

Constant monitoring and research on asteroids can provide sustainability for Earth and assure safety for future generations.

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