Delhi University Student Union Elections

Delhi University is a very huge place, and there are thousands of students. Student Union elections occur every year. This is a body of students that aid in making decisions for all of them. They consult school on what the students want and require. The elections were pretty significant as they help in electing who will lead the students.

This Year Was What?

There was some problem with the elections this year. The Delhi High Court had to interfere. They said that the counting of votes cannot be made yet. Why? They want everything to be clean and fair. The court said that there are too many posters and banners everywhere in school. They want these to be removed first before they count the votes.

Delhi University Student Union Elections
Why Are Posters a Problem

Posters and banners of their favorite candidates are all over the school, but sometimes these tend to make the school look messy. It also takes away the fairness from the election. If a candidate has many big posters, that candidate appears to be popular even if not. For this reason, the court wants them removed.

What Did the Court Say?

The court has said that the elections can definitely happen but counting votes will have to wait as they are waiting for cleaning of the public places and re-enforcement of all the rules in anticipation of complying with these rules. A lot of importance is accrued for such rules set for students by the authorities to make everything fair and safe.

Delhi University Student Union Elections

How Do Students Feel?

The election time has created great excitement among a good many students. They are keen on voting and their voices being heard, but at the same time, they want the elections to be fair. Some are worried about how long it will take for the votes to be counted; they all want to know who their leaders will be soon. These leaders will be helping them with such things as events, activities, and their needs in school.

What’s Going to Happen Next?

After the voting takes place, the court will inspect to ensure that everything poster and banner is removed from the campaign. Once everything is clean and fair, the counting may start. The students are now waiting to see who will win and lead them this year.

Delhi University Student Union Elections

Delhi University Student Union Elections

Why Are Elections Important?

Elections are a chance for students to pick their leaders. These leaders will talk to the school about what students want. They can help with many things like:

  • Planning events and activities
  • Addressing student concerns
  • Making school a better place for everyone

Having strong leaders can make a big difference in student life. They can help create a fun and safe environment where everyone can learn.

What Should Students Do?

They should know what is happening in elections.They should get to know their friends and whom the candidates are going to be. They can ask what candidates are going to do if they win the elections.
Delhi University Student Union Elections

How to Vote?

The vote is also a very straight forward process. Ballots shall be issued and marked with the student’s choice. Time should be taken in deliberating on the choice since every vote counts and it is going to make a change.


Delhi University Student Union elections. The maximum job student unions do is to ensure that such representatives are there for the students. Of course, this year it is not very easy, but students are hopeful too. It should be clean and fair. Students should hear their voice. It’s a time of excitement and change!

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