Delhi’s air quality is a big problem. Right now, the Air Quality Index (AQI) is very high. It is over 400. This means that the air is not safe to breathe. Many areas in Delhi, like Noida and Gurugram, are also facing similar issues. The air is thick with fog and pollution, making it hard to see.
Many people are feeling the effects of this dirty air. It can cause serious health issues. For example, children and older people are at a higher risk. The air quality has been so bad that flights and trains have been delayed because of low visibility.

What is the AQI?
The AQI tells us how clean or dirty the air is. It uses different colors and numbers to show how healthy the air is. If the Air Quality Index (AQI) is below 50, the air is good. If it is above 200, it is unhealthy. When it goes above 300, it is very unhealthy. In Delhi, the AQI is often above 400, which is considered hazardous.
Right now, the AQI is around 432. This shows that the air quality is very poor. It is not just a problem in Delhi but also in nearby areas like Noida, Greater Noida, and Ghaziabad. All these places are struggling with bad air quality.
Why is the Air Quality So Bad?
There are many reasons for the bad air quality in Delhi. One major reason is the weather. The cold air traps pollution close to the ground. This makes the air feel heavy and thick. The fog also adds to the problem, making it hard for the wind to clear out the pollutants.
Another reason for the pollution is the emissions from vehicles. Many cars and trucks on the road release harmful gases. These gases mix with the fog, making the air even worse. Factories also contribute to the pollution by releasing smoke and other harmful particles into the air.

How Does This Affect People?
The poor air quality affects everyone, but some people are more at risk. Children, elderly people, and those with breathing problems can suffer the most. They may find it hard to breathe and could develop serious health issues.
Studies have shown that long-term exposure to polluted air can shorten life spans. Many residents have talked about wanting to leave the city during these months because of the air quality. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to move away.
What Can Be Done?
To improve air quality, there are several steps that can be taken. First, the government needs to take action. They can implement stricter regulations on vehicle emissions and factory outputs. This will help reduce the amount of pollution in the air.
Second, people can help by using public transport instead of personal vehicles. Carpooling can also reduce the number of cars on the road. This will lead to less traffic and, in turn, lower emissions.
Lastly, planting more trees can also help. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and other harmful pollutants. They can make the air cleaner for everyone.

Delhi’s air quality crisis is a complex issue that requires immediate attention and action. The high Air Quality Index (AQI) levels are a clear indicator of the pollution problem facing the city. It is essential for both the government and the public to work together to improve air quality and protect the health of residents. Only through collective efforts can we hope to see a change in the delhi air quality situation in Delhi.