Ghost Cars of New York Crackdown On

New York City is fighting a serious issue-ghost cars. These are cars with fake or illegal number plates, and they seem pretty impossible to track. This has, in fact placed a heavy financial burden on the city. The police are in a crackdown to eliminate this menace.

What are Ghost Cars?

Ghost cars, on the other hand, are those with license plates that cannot be traced by traffic cameras or toll readers. This is a type of license plate that may seem to exist because some people actually alter the license plate numbers and others use simply fake ones. Such ghost cars’ owners find a convenient escape route from paying at the roads, the kind of taxes on certain products, or very cheaply collected fees. They bear no equivalent burden on the overall economy but only benefit themselves.

New York City Cracks Down on Ghost Cars

The Latest Crack Down

Recently, the NYPD announced that it had successfully ended a massive crackdown on the menace. Only five days had elapsed when 295 ghost cars were eliminated from New York City roads. This is such a gigantic leap in the right direction, yet this is still but a starting point. Also, the operation yielded 490 arrests and 20,000 summons.

Unpaid Tolls and Fees

These ghost cars owe their owners an unpaid toll of $21 million in taxes and fees. It is very high, indicating the severity of the problem. The city is losing a lot of money because some drivers are not paying what they owe.

Team Work

In trying to handle the ghost car problem, the NYPD has entered into partnership with the Department of Sanitation. 15 officers from the NYPD are collaborating in finding and taking away the ghost cars from the streets. They focus on those that are not in use but just parked.

New York City Cracks Down on Ghost Cars

What’s Done to the Ghost Cars?

If you have a ghost car, then maybe you feel you are getting away with something. Well, you’re not. Police are on the lookout for ghost cars. If you feel you can avoid registering your car and, therefore, the fees that go with having a car, think again. One day, you might wake up to find that your ghost car has been towed.

The Big Picture

Ghost cars are not a small problem. Ghost cars are part of the much larger issue of toll evasions in New York City. And that is estimated to run into $50 million per annum. This loss affects everyone who uses the roads and pays the fair share.

New York City Cracks Down on Ghost Cars

The Need for Fairness

City officials from chair to the rest proclaim equity, yet they say that law-abiding citizens should not bear the cost of those who will not pay. The idea is that every one should be made to pay their share so as to keep this city free-flowing.


The crackdown of ghost cars is part of the extensive plan to ensure increased safety and fairness in New York City traffic. The police will keep a close eye on New York streets and coordinate with other agencies in ensuring that the place is safe for all to walk around. They will make sure that ghost cars reduce in number and ensure everyone pays their dues.


In short words, ghost cars are a serious issue for New York City. The recent measures undertaken by the NYPD prove that the city will not compromise with this problem. Along with other such agencies, they work very hard to remove such vehicles from the streets. Thus, all of them must share their efforts towards providing a fair city as well as an environment to live in for everyone.

If you have a car, the first thing is to make sure that your license plate is up to date and is not expired in addition to being a valid one; it is better not to risk having it confiscated. Let’s work together to make New York City a better place to live!

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