Embracing Change: The Power of the October 2nd New Moon Solar Eclipse

Dear friends, Today we’d like to talk about something special. It is a new moon solar eclipse that takes place on October 2nd. This occurrence is part of a vast change that started with the lunar full moon eclipse. Most of us are experiencing a swing in energy lately. Here comes a great opportunity to grow and heal by learning to embrace change.

When this energy is inside us, it becomes essential to learn how to work with it. Co-working allows us to make huge changes in our lives. Many of us today are to let go of something that is holding them back. It’s often a job, sometimes a belief, even a person. We need to figure out what’s not working anymore.

Embracing Change: The Power of the October 2nd New Moon Solar Eclipse

Letting Go for Growth

Forgiveness is not one of the easier things to do. It is a consuming process, requiring much time and energy. Sometimes, however, we realize that which is wrong for us, and we can start changing. Ask yourself these questions:

What am I relying on, which makes me unhappy?
Is there one belief holding me back from becoming who I was meant to be?
Do people surround me who discourage me?

Once we are exposed to such things, then we can also start by letting it go. This is just like cleaning the closet. In this way, we’ll get space for newer and better things.

Fresh Drive Towards New Projects

It’s rich with new drive, the power of this eclipse. It might bring us to be excited about new ideas or projects. This is the perfect opportunity for a fresh slate, especially if it would make us happy. If you feel the urge toward art, writing, or anything else you passionately want to do, follow that feeling!

Embracing Change: The Power of the October 2nd New Moon Solar Eclipse

Remember, however, that not everything lasts. If you get tired or unmotivated with something, you might just have to let it go. Concentrate on what is making you feel alive and happy.

Deep Introspection

We might be even more emotional during this stage. That’s alright. It can help know ourselves better. Spend as much time alone as you could, and let your mind wonder about what you need to have in life. This realization will push you toward many important realizations.

Ask yourself these questions below:

What really makes me happy?
What do I want to achieve in life?
Who should surround me with?

These questions can guide you to a specific path.

Embracing Change: The Power of the October 2nd New Moon Solar Eclipse

Recalling Our Real Self

Now we are free from the old habits and beliefs, and now the time starts to recall who you really are. Most of us forget ourselves in the middle of some daily occurrences. Now is the time to be connected to that part of you.

Consider what you intend to be. Envision your future self. Who are you? How does that person feel? What do you do? Let that vision inspire you as you take action today.

Transmutation: Change Challenges into Growth

This is a big word, but it simply means change all negatives into positives. We all have fears and doubts. Instead of allowing those to hold us back, we can use those to grow.

For example, if we fear failure, let us think about what we can learn from it. Everything we experience can teach us a useful lesson. With this sort of change in our mindset, perhaps we will feel more powerful and in control.

Embracing Change: The Power of the October 2nd New Moon Solar Eclipse

New Abundance and Self-Worth

As we start embracing these changes, many of us will begin to learn how to feel a new sense of self-worth. We are all lovable, joyous, and well-deserving of success. Repeat this to yourself daily. Say it with me now: “I am worthy of good things.” That’s all it takes sometimes-just a little declaration that can alter how you perceive yourself.

Whenever someone believes he or she deserves the best, then there arise great possibilities. The world has everything it offers, whether it is about finding a new job or making new friends and trying a new hobby.


This is a very powerful solar eclipse on October 2nd. It allows us to have the courage to let go of what does not serve us and imbibe new beginnings. Some people feel emotions about this, and it’s okay. It helps guide you during your journey.

Embracing Change: The Power of the October 2nd New Moon Solar Eclipse

Embracing Change: The Power of the October 2nd New Moon Solar Eclipse

Take your time, reflect on what you really want, connect to the real you, and you hold the power to create the life you envision. Trust in yourself and the change process. Together we can move toward a brighter future of joy and abundance.
Thanks for being here and sharing this journey with me, and don’t forget to keep on shining your light!

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