Hey everyone! Today, we’re diving into the eighth and final episode of “Skeleton Crew.” This episode was packed with action and fun. But, before we jump in, here’s a little warning: there are major spoilers ahead! If you haven’t seen the episode yet, now’s a great time to pause and come back later!
The first seven episodes have been surprisingly good. They gave us one of the best Star Wars shows on Disney Plus. So, the big question for the finale was, could they actually stick the landing? Would they give us a satisfying conclusion to a really entertaining show? Or would it be a letdown?
Well, I’m happy to say that while it might not be the greatest ending ever, it was still very enjoyable! The episode was fun, action-packed, and looked great. The CGI was impressive for a Disney Plus show. It may not be movie quality, but it was really good for what it is!
There was a lot of tension throughout the episode. We knew it was unlikely that any of the main characters would be killed off. We also got some good resolutions for the characters, which is super important for a finale. It needs to wrap up the character stories in a meaningful way!
However, when it comes to the mysteries introduced in the earlier episodes, things got a bit disappointing. There were many questions we had about Ad Aton, the supervisor, Tech Grenad, the pirate captain, and more. Sadly, most of these questions remained unanswered. The biggest twist in the episode was that the supervisor turned out to be a droid. Many of us guessed this already, so it wasn’t much of a surprise. It felt a bit spoiled since we already had hints last week.
I thought the pirate captain, Tech Grenad, would play a bigger role in the mysteries surrounding Ed Aton. Especially since the show hid his identity in previous episodes. But in the end, he didn’t tie into the bigger plot at all. This left me wondering why they bothered to show the decapitated statue back in episode four. It seemed to suggest there was a secret about either the supervisor or the captain, but it led to nothing.
One of the highlights of the episode was J’s backstory. We learned he was never actually part of the Jedi Order, which was a bit surprising. He was found after Order 66 by a Jedi who took him in and started to train him. Unfortunately, that Jedi was hunted down and killed, leaving J all alone again. We don’t know who that Jedi was, but it’s likely a new character. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see more of J’s story in a comic book or novel down the line.
Speaking of J, I was glad to see he wasn’t redeemed. He stayed a villain right to the end. It seemed like he was going to die in the tower, but nothing happened. The main pirate ship didn’t crash into it, so he was left there to watch his plans fail as the New Republic showed up. I assume he either escapes or gets captured and put in jail for another day.
Throughout the episode, J showed a little softness towards the kids. There were moments where it seemed like he cared about them, even if he didn’t want to admit it. This was an interesting layer to his character, making him more complex.
The kids also had their hero moments in this episode. They really stepped up when the parents were unsure of what to do. Fern’s mother finally realized they needed help from the New Republic. She was the one who activated the device to blow up the shield, revealing Ad Aton to the galaxy. This was a big moment for her and the kids!
Overall, I found the finale to be action-oriented and fun. It focused more on finishing the characters’ stories rather than answering every question we might have had. This was a smart move, even if some answers would have been nice. When the New Republic ship arrived at the end, I hoped we’d see some actual emissaries meet with the people of Ad Aton. It would have been a great way to wrap up the story and give us some closure.
There were many fun moments in the finale. We saw familiar faces, like Be-WIS, and the gun on top of the school came into play. KB fixed up SM-33, sending the message to the New Republic. It was great to see everything come together, even if some things felt predictable.
One thing that surprised me was how the New Republic just opened fire on the pirate ship. They didn’t seem to worry about collateral damage at all! But, thankfully, it crashed in an unpopulated area.
In conclusion, this was a good finale to a really enjoyable series. While we didn’t get answers to all our questions, the focus was on the characters, which was what mattered most. There were some unanswered mysteries, but I think the show did a great job overall.
Now, it’s your turn! What did you think of the finale? Did you enjoy it? Were you okay with the lack of answers to the big questions? Let’s talk about it in the comments below!